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From Auenland, to the coast of the North Sea, the waters of the Elbe marshes, or the picturesque moors, forests, and heaths, step out of the ordinary and discover Holstein! This region, which stretches along the Elbe from Hamburg to Friedrichskoog, also includes a great “interior”, since the Elbe and Auenland continue to Neumünster!

Each part of this region has its own unique character. The maritime district of Dithmarschen is home to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Wadden Sea. The Elbe shapes the Elbe marshes, and yet these regions couldn’t be more different: Part of the region is below the sea level - including the Wilstermarsch, the banks of the Elbe, and herring fisheries and vegetable farms around Glückstadt, as well as the bird watching area west of Hamburg in the Pinneberger Elbe marshes. In the interior of the region, the Pinneberger tree nurseries and gardens beckon visitors, as does the historic free city and spa town of Bad Bramstedt, located right in the heart of the Holstein Auenland. While the region of Itzehoe combines high-tech, culture, and a zest for life, Kellinghusen and Hohenlockstedt specialize in ceramics and cuisine. The Aukrug Nature Park is also just a stone’s throw away.

Learn more about what makes these regions unique, and discover Holstein’s perfect location between the coasts and Hamburg.

Blick in die Liether Kalkgrube.
Liether lime pit

Contact and more information

Elmshorn city

Tel.: 0 41 21 - 23 10

  • Elmshorn Industry Museum

    What better place for an industry museum than an industrial city like Elmshorn? This museum tells the story of daily life and work during the industrial era. Experience history up close!

    25335 Elmshorn
    04121 231 700


  • Kronsnest Historic Ferry

    Experience a ride on the smallest ferry in Germany, and cross the Krückau river the old-fashioned way.

    25335 Neuendorf
    0 41 21 - 21 39 9 (ab 18:00 Uhr)


  • The Ewer Gloria

    Let the contemplative water carry you away.

    25348 Glückstadt
    0 41 01 - 60 64 27


  • Waterskiing in Pinneberg

    Sports from sun-up to sun-down

    25421 Pinneberg
    0 41 01- 85 86 60 3
